There are thousands of website builders available, and with the current economic climate it can often be tempting to see making your own website as a fast-fix solution for getting your online business up and running, but in all actuality a self build website is rarely perfect. Self build sites do not offer you the professional help and guidance that a professional website design company provides, and because the work involved with making a professional looking website is very time consuming, most people who attempt it find themselves disappointed at best and downright angry at worst. If this sounds like you then you should really think about buying a website design package instead. Although they’re more expensive upfront, buying a website design package will save you huge amounts of time, money and energy, and you’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing that the finished result is exactly what you dreamed of.
Buying an SEO package gives you everything that you need to create many pages for your website: SEO articles, a custom layout for your navigation bar, social media networking buttons and much more. All of these are available separately, and whilst many people will see the need to use several of these tools on their website to make it professional and search engine friendly, it’s quite unlikely that any single tool is going to be able to build your entire site – even if you had a developer who was paid by the hour. There are many other benefits to buying an SEO package that you’ll see as we go along, so we’ll sum up the main ones here:
Professional SEO service: SEO is the industry standard now, and it’s something that many pages on your website could benefit from. However, there’s no point in just jumping in with a few off the shelf tools, when a qualified SEO expert can give you the kind of full service which only comes with an experienced SEO company. Your website build could well include a lot of different keywords, and the right SEO company will be able to find all of them for you, and present them in the right way on your page. They’ll be able to advise on how many links you should build, the density in which they should appear and where on your page they should link to.
Good report: A good SEO analyst should produce a quality report that’s not only interesting and informative, but one that’s also going to tell you what the search engines are looking for. This is essential – particularly if you want to get noticed by Google, as many people believe that you have to reach the top of the rankings in order to do well in the search engines. By giving Google your analysis and a strategy to follow, they’ll understand your page more and improve it accordingly. Even if you don’t reach the top ten rankings for a particular keyword, having done so will certainly help your page rank.
Site visitors: An SEO analyst knows the importance of getting targeted traffic to your site. You can’t achieve this unless you have a properly optimized site – and an SEO company will be able to do this for you, helping you get the right keywords and web copy to bring the right amount of people to your site. The SEO team should take into account things like the spelling of your name, where you are located and what your industry is. This is essential to help optimise your site for search engines. They should also check that you have enough content out there already and that the information is fresh and correct. They should also check that the keywords you’re using aren’t too competitive.
Back links: It’s well known that back links play a vital role in how well your site ranks in Google’s ranking algorithm. The SEO consultant will be able to analyse your links to see what’s going on with them. This includes the anchor text used, how long they’ve been linked to and where they’re located. This can all be vital to your rankings. By knowing how important backlinks are, the SEO team will be able to make sure your links are good ones, benefiting your site in return.